Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

My Stupidity 2

They said curiosity can kill. Apparently it’s true, well in my case it almost kill Polly. Who is Polly?? Or you can say: what is Polly???!!!
Polly is my 1by1.5 rug. I’m sure you’re all shock: You named your rug??? Of course not, that name is already written on it, if you ask me, I wouldn’t give that name; I’ll name it Sukiyem instead. If you forget which rug I was talking about, you can see it in my previous writing; Asrama UI.
However, that morning tragedy happened due to my shallow curiosity. To be honest I rarely iron my own clothes back home, so I felt very proud of myself to see the fact that I’m ironing my own cloth in such early morning, even though I only have to iron two pieces of cloth. Being too excited, I added two more clothes, shirts which is already ironed but a bit wrinkled in some places.

I was ironing on my rug when suddenly I felt something sticky. I ignored it and kept ironing all my clothes. By the time I finished ironing two of my clothes, my curiosity grew because I felt that sticky sense repeatedly. The scientific part of me took over and I felt as though I need to at least perform an experiment to see what was sticking into my iron. Apparently it was the brainless me that took over, I didn’t think twice before putting my iron on the rug. When I picked it up, it stuck to the rug. The weird thing is that I felt satisfied for like 3 seconds knowing what was sticking to my iron the whole time. Unfortunately those 3 seconds passed and smoke started to appear on my rug right where my iron was. Panicked, I blew the smoke with a small fan nearby and I use my aromatic pesticide to get rid of that burning smell (dangerous, I know, but I have no other choice).

I turned to my iron and saw something terrible at the surface. The flawless new iron’s surface is now covered with the pattern of Polly’s hair. I was afraid it was too late for the ruined iron that I cannot use it anymore. So I decided to call my mom asking how to clean up such mess. She laughed at me—I would laugh at me if I don’t feel so stupid—and told me to use a knife or a scissor to clear the iron.

Polly’s hair is on my iron =______=

I tried and it didn’t work…the next day I use it again to iron my clothes and felt anxious about it. I was afraid this time I would ruin my shirts due to my careless action that had ruined the iron. My nightmare just came true, when the iron got too hot, it stuck to my cloth leaving an ugly pattern. Quickly I grabbed my dirty cloth which I use to wipe the floor and tried to clean the iron with it. It took a while before the iron finally can be used again. No matter what I did or how hard I wipe it, the patterns only smudge a bit and the surface got uglier. Well, at least I can still use it to iron my clothes, it’s not sticky anymore. Fiuh!

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